Thank you Bianca, Iconic Property Management. You have proven to be outstanding by committing absolute dedication to ourselves as the property owners, and also to the occupants of our properties.
Property Management Providers offer vastly different services. Many are content to take a healthy slice of your investment for little return of payment management and sparse attention to your property. In my experience, overseeing some Property Management Providers can be more work and anguish than managing the property yourself.
Bianca, you consistently provide detailed, prompt advice and regular reporting to keep us informed. We have been pleasantly surprised that you extend beyond expectation to manage our properties with genuine dedication, commitment and clarity. You have taken the stress and anguish of having to oversee and follow-up, not only our properties, but also the property management provider.
We recommend your services with pleasure and confidence, to all property owners, reassured by your proven dedication of consistently committing nothing less than your best in the interest of all parties.
Lyn and Lee Jeffries
Bribie Island
Bribie Island